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Ushering in the Energy transition

We humans have fueled our development trajectory for the last few centuries with carbonaceous energy. While it has brought us where we are today, it is clearly evident now, that to get further to where we aspire, we can no longer tread that path without putting ourselves and our beloved planet in harm's way. I am firm and unwavering in my belief that it is solely the relentless and constant pursuit of cleaner, greener, sustainable and efficient energy generation, transmission, storage and reutilization technologies which will guide us through this arduous decarbonization journey in what promises to be the most exciting time in the history of humanity with newer energies taking us to newer heights and helping us achieve all the ever more. 

Since the beginning of time, Energy has always been central to our existence, it is the basis of our civilizations, it is what makes us human, it is what makes us the only beings with the capacity to influence and alter our environments. This is even more so today, we live in an era in which this centrality of energy assumes an importance of magnitudes larger than ever before. While the relevance of energy assumes ever more larger proportions for many in this world, there are surprisingly many among us, who are not in a position to tap into the potential offered by reliable access to energy. The challenges facing today's generation of Energy engineers are multi-faceted and include a move away from Carbon, helping to improve system efficiencies, and foremost of all, to aid in the democratization of energy access.  

I am a Mechanical Engineer from India, who is currently specialising in Energy Technology at the Technical University of Munich. I have a vision for our world. I envision a world where lighting, powering, heating and driving our societies can be possible with minimal impact on our environment. It elates and thrills me like nothing else can, to know that I am playing a role in the impending Global Energy Transition. While I discover and learn new things everyday, things that shape and mould my outlook, I attempt to document my views and opinions about the impending Energy Revolution that we all are inching closer to with each passing day. It is becoming increasingly evident that the EU - lead by Germany, along with India & China will be leading the Energiewende by example. 
